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366 Birthday Profiles
About Your Sign
- Overview
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- Dating Woman
- Dating Man
- How to Attract
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366 Birthday Profiles
Face Reading
Palm Reading
- Introduction
- Fingertips
- Fingers
- Phalanges
- Thumb
- Life line
- Head Line
- Heart line
- Fate line
- Sun line
- Mercury line
- Lines of love and affection
- Quality of the lines
  Palm reading -- All the lines on your hands
  Points on the hands
Zodiac Signs Romance Love Sex
Sex with Virgo

Virgos have a deep buried sensuality. Outwardly they maintain a cool and calm composure but buried deep inside are great passions. Virgos are very choosy about their lover. In sexual relationship they are very caring and controlling too and can make their partner feel the most wanted person on the earth. They are perfectionists and secretive by nature. The sexual relationship with a Virgo lover may not be a bed of roses (in fact more thorns). The effort has to be made to unearth and stir the deep buried passions and then you become the vortex of their life.

Virgo Woman

Virgo is the sign of the virgin you know. Fortunately most Virgo females have a past that no one really knows about. So, they may want to make you believe that they are well, virgins. Virgo is fussy and prissy about cleanliness, and health, and can go from one extreme to the other. Two speeds... Wild or not!

Virgo Man

Hoorah to any woman who gets a Virgo to marry her. They need to be by themselves and kind of like it! Virgo men like really good girls or really bad girls. No, really, really bad girls! You'll probably find a huge amount of Virgo men in strip clubs! They were sexually repressed in their former lifetimes! This sign likes those two extremes and not from the same woman. You are either his virginal princess or you are his ho. Chose your role and play it.

Erogenous Zone: The behind area!

His Favorite Bedtime Fantasy: Most Virgos are neat freak, even fanatical... his fantasy love making takes place Showering together!

Classic Virgo after-sex comment!
"I need to wash the sheets."
Sex with

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


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