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366 Birthday Profiles
About Your Sign
- Overview
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- Romance Love Sex
- Dating Woman
- Dating Man
- How to Attract
- Sex with
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366 Birthday Profiles
Face Reading
Palm Reading
- Introduction
- Fingertips
- Fingers
- Phalanges
- Thumb
- Life line
- Head Line
- Heart line
- Fate line
- Sun line
- Mercury line
- Lines of love and affection
- Quality of the lines
  Palm reading -- All the lines on your hands
  Points on the hands
Zodiac Signs Romance Love Sex
Sex with Cancer

Cancer is a very emotional sign. Cancer lovers have a highly developed sense of touch. Outwardly they may pretend to be very cool but they are very sensual and loving. In lovemaking, to be emotionally involved with their lover is very important for them. They are very moody and sensitive. For them sex is an emotional bond that they form with their lover. They are very revengeful and slow to forgive infidelity and unfaithfulness in love. Since for them sex is not just simply a physical gratification but an emotional commitment between two hearts.

Cancer Woman

Like their animal counterparts the crab, Cancer female never approaches anything or anyone head on. So she appears to be shyer than she really is. At bar she'll just mosey on up and just stand right next to you. She'll be more quiet then most but, you'll definitely know every emotion she feels. Her fav position is side by side. Watch her hands though she'll have them on you in no time short.

Cancer Man

The make out is probably more important than the actually act which could be on the short side. This sign will need more pampering and gentleness than the other signs. They can be a little emotionally temperamental, and needy. He needs to feel safe and comfortable, so he'll probably want you to do the domestic thing and cook for him!

Erogenous Zone: Breasts, Lower Chest

Favorite Bedtime Fantasy: to make love in The kitchen!

Classic Cancer after-sex comment!
"When are we getting married?"
Sex with

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


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