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Zodiac Signs Compatibility Zodiac Signs Compatibility index
Compatibility: Virgo with Pisces

Earth has an affinity with water and these opposite signs in the zodiac can complement each other. You see things through different eyes. Each always will be a bit of a mystery to the other. Virgo is motivated by reason, analysis, facts and logic. Pisces is guided by feelings, emotions, intuition and that strange ability to sense what is what. Virgo brings method to Pisces' madness. Romantic, imaginative Pisces can add a touch of intangible magic to Virgo's life.

Virgo with Aries | Virgo with Taurus | Virgo with Gemini | Virgo with Cancer
Virgo with Leo | Virgo with Virgo | Virgo with Libra | Virgo with Scorpio
Virgo with Sagittarius | Virgo with Capricorn | Virgo with Aquarius | Virgo with Pisces

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