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Zodiac Signs Compatibility Zodiac Signs Compatibility index
Compatibility: Virgo with Aquarius

Earth with air highlights the contrast between these two signs. The combination of your respective rulers -- Mercury and Uranus — emphasizes a mental and intellectual affinity, rather than a deep emotional bond. Virgo sensible, rational, analytical and some-times cool while Aquarius can be dispassionate, detached, uninvolved. Virgo is careful, self controlled and orthodox but Aquarius can be unconventional temperamental and unconventional at times. Virgo's logical mind cannot begin to decipher the enigma that is Aquarius.

Virgo with Aries | Virgo with Taurus | Virgo with Gemini | Virgo with Cancer
Virgo with Leo | Virgo with Virgo | Virgo with Libra | Virgo with Scorpio
Virgo with Sagittarius | Virgo with Capricorn | Virgo with Aquarius | Virgo with Pisces

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