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Compatibility: Pisces with Aquarius

It would be hard to find a more unusual combination than airy Aquarius with watery Pisces, for the simple reason that your respective rulers — Uranus and Neptune — are "out of this world", beyond the boundary lines of Saturn. Consequently, they transcend the limits of personal ideals and give unique qualities which others do not possess. You are both different from most people and you sometimes feel misfits, except with other Aquarians and Pisceans. There will be at least two sides to this combination: firstly, the superficial layers of the association appear to be quite ordinary and normal; secondly, the unseen, hidden interplay of psychological forces make an obscure and highly complex relationship. Each person can sense unfathomable depths in the other which are seldom plumbed, even in a long term of togetherness.

Pisces with Aries | Pisces with Taurus | Pisces with Gemini | Pisces with Cancer
Pisces with Leo | Pisces with Virgo | Pisces with Libra | Pisces with Scorpio
Pisces with Sagittarius | Pisces with Capricorn | Pisces with Aquarius | Pisces with Pisces

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