Gemini is the third sign and has a direct
link with the hands, arms, lungs and respiratory system. You
will notice that many people born with the Sun in Gemini -
May 22 to June 21 - have a habit of "talking with their
hands" and they frequently are dextrous when doing things
requiring a sensitive touch. Many Geminians like to wear rings
or bracelets and, as the Sun rules gold, this metal suits
them. Many fine pianists were born in this sign.
All too often, a strong emphasis on Gemini tends to cause
bronchial and other respiratory problems. If you were born
in this sign or have it on the ascendant and you have a disposition
toward bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia or other chest infections,
you should try to get out into the fresh air as much as possible.
Because Jupiter is related to the principle of expansion,
when it is in Gemini at the time of birth it tends to make
the arms longer or heavier than usual and frequently indicates
that the hands are large. Saturn in Gemini belongs to people
with "problem hands" and, if Saturn were involved
in an adverse star pattern with another planet, it could cause
chronic respiratory or lung trouble for those concerned. The
Moon has a bleaching effect, so, when in Gemini, the hands
can be pale and inclined to be moist.
Mars in Gemini will give strong, hard-working hands which
will be subject to scratches, cuts or burns.
Venus in Gemini is the hallmark of people with beautiful,
elegant hands which often will be adorned with jewellery to
complement them.