people are warm hearted and loving. They like stability, luxury,
comfort, pleasure and good food. Taureans like to receive
luxurious yet practical gifts. They should be tasteful yet
be of use to them. Their interest lies in cooking, dressing
and relaxing. As they love food you could treat them with
dinner or lunch which could be eating out or even at home
with meals especially made for them according to their choice.
Just the thought behind the gift is appreciated by them.
You must consider the basic traits of a Taurus before picking
a gift for them. They are practical people therefore they
would like something which will be useful to them. They like
luxury and comfort, hence giving them something simple and
sophisticated would be good. Their interest lies in clothes,
food and music. They are innovative they love to try out things
on their own. If you give them a cookery book or some kitchen
appliance which they can try out they will be happy.
You should not choose anything random for
Taurus as they will not appreciate it. You need to carefully
think before gifting them anything. As they like quality things
you should choose something which is posh or if you do not
want to spend too much then try to give something homemade
as this will be definitely appreciated.
If you are unable to decide on your own based on the above
advice then we can suggest you some things which would be
liked by most people who belong to Taurus zodiac sign. However
you need to know the personal likes and dislikes of the Taurus
you know.
Besides being practical Taureans like to live in comfort and
luxury. You can make their day by giving them comfortable
clothes with soft fabric or bedspreads and soft pillows or
cosy slippers. Even soft, thick bath towels or comfortable
quilts and blankets would be liked by Taurus people. You can
also give a hand woven sweater or body pampering gifts. They
also love to collect things, hence you could give them something
unique like an antique item. Scented candles, decorative items,
paintings, jewellery or even wine glasses are some of the
other items which they would like. Getting something which
they do not have will make them happy as long as it is of
interest to them.
People belonging to Taurus sun sign appreciate good food and
are also interested in cooking and baking. Gift them some
delightful treats either made at home like cookies, cakes
or savouries or take them to a fine dining place. They also
love receiving chocolates, food baskets or a bottle of good
quality wine.
People belonging to Taurus sign are generally good singers
and musicians or at least love music. Giving them music CD's
of their choice or tickets to a musical show will be a great
gift idea for them. Musical albums as per their choice for
their collection will also be appreciated. If you are not
sure of their choice of music you can give them a gift certificate
of a music store where they can shop according to their choice.
Gadgets like a good stereo system can also be a good choice
of gift.
Luxurious clothes are what they desire. Give them clothes
which are soft, cosy and sensuous. Silk nightwear, silk shirts,
velvet gowns, or clothes made out of satin, anything that
feels good against the skin are liked by Taureans.