According to physiognomists just as you can
judge a person's health by an X-ray of their body, so you
can read their personality from the contours of their face.
Physiognomy, or the art of interpreting personality form the
facial features, originated about 3000 years ago in China
and was regarded as an honorable profession in ancient Rome.
Hong Kong businessmen are still said to ask the opinion of
face readers before signing deals with new clients. There
are 100 or so muscles just beneath the facial skin, and this
amazing maze controls the storybook of the human face. If
you can read it, each face can provide you with a story line
to match a best selling novel.
Our rounded cheeks, snub noses and square jaws not only add
to our charm: they speak volumes about our personalities.
Your forehead indicates intellect, your mouth speaks sensuality,
and your eyes give insight into the way you see the world.