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Diet resolutions: How does your zodiac sign fare?

You’ve fallen off your diet. All your resolutions have gone out the window and you’re eating furiously again. Can you dredge up the willpower to get back on track and banish the munchies? Some signs are better at sticking to their decisions than others.

Aries rarely gets overweight since they burn off energy faster than most. They have a short enthusiasm span, so commitments made a week ago are boring and tossed to aside. Long-haul projects like diets can be tricky for the Ram.

Taurus takes time to make up their minds but is good at setting their goals … except where indulgences are concerned! They love their food and find it all-too-easy to be tempted. After that, they take forever to shift back onto the wiser path.

Gemini can be surprisingly fixed in their approach to matters of health — unlike most everything else with the Twins. They will be committed to pursuing this particular goal, and if they are led astray they’ll switch themselves back into healthy gear quickly.

Cancer rules the stomach, so comfort eating is their great downfall. They also tend to go to extremes, on-off-on-off with their diets. At least they shift back at some point, though the timing is not always under their control since they’re so swayed by their feelings.

Leo prides themselves on their resolve — but they like living well and aren’t too practical. They’ll eat fattening food and convince themselves that that’s how to lose weight. That said, their vanity usually strengthens their will power back up.

Virgo is constantly on the go, so sometimes their firm resolve melts in the helter-skelter of their busy schedule. But they know better than most what is good for their body, so at some point their common sense lures them back to healthier ways.

Despite their elegant image, Libra is indulgent and has a weakness for rich food. Luckily, they know only too well how much they’ll dislike themselves if they get rout of shape. Their need to look good will push them firmly back into eating less.

Scorpio is so intense they tend to burn off excess fat. But if they do have to slim down, once they make up their mind, absolutely nothing will deter them. Their determination is formidable and they commit to the long haul.

Sagittarius is happy-go-lucky and can go over the top when it comes to eating. Luckily, their fiery vitality soaks up surplus calories. But if they do have to lose a few pounds, then their changeable nature makes it tricky for them to stay on track. Diets need to be turned into an adventure for their resolve to stick.

Capricorn likes looking respectable and finds it easy to commit to a slimming regime, but their attention span tends to be short so if it doesn’t work fast enough, their willpower can sag. Eventually they’ll berate themselves for being wimpy and get back into their fitness regime.

Ultimately, Aquarius doesn't care much what anyone thinks of their appearance. But if dieting for their own satisfaction, they can get sidelined because they're so high-strung.

Pisces is not exactly indulgent but they do have an escapist streak. They can trip out on food as much as anything else. Their willpower is not one of their stronger assets. They’ll need a helping hand to keep them on goal.


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